The Resilience Training

Overcoming difficult times, managing daily challenges with calm and confidence to succeed and be happy. 

Resilience is the ability to overcome the shocks of life and to rebound after difficulties, to make the best of given situations. The Resilience Training naturally develops innate abilities often buried under the fatigue and turbulence of life.


This approach is different from usual trainings. It does not consist in learning or practicing “tricks”, recipes or quickly forgotten methods in a small group. It is not about psychological analysis or group sharing of your strengths and weaknesses, nor self-suggestion. This is a mainly practical training allowing for a genuine psycho-physiological transformation which changes your outlook, gives you strength and stability and allows all your good qualities to spontaneously emerge.

You will learn the Transcendental Meditation (TM ) technique, which you will then be able to enjoy very day of your life. This simple and natural technique is practiced sitting comfortably eyes closed, a moment morning and afternoon. It provides deep rest which dissolves fatigue, stress and accumulated impressions to dissolve. The agitated mind settles down and opens to inner silence, the source of all energy, intelligence and creativity. One comes out deeply regenerated, more clear, strong and confident, more aware and better organized.

This technique is a powerful antidote to toxic stress, burnout and post-traumatic stress. It can be compared to the art of archery: pulling the arrow on the bow, charging it with potential energy to then reach heart of the target. One functions on the basis of full confidence and professional performance improves as well as relationships.

Results come quickly. 50 years of scientific publications show that this practice develops a fuller brain functioning, better relationships, more stability and confidence, better moral reasoning. It reduces stress and anxiety and strengthens the immune system

Leonard SteinThis short training includes all personalized follow-up and coaching for best results over time.

Your experienced and much appreciated instructor, Leonard Stein M.A. SCI, has been teaching since 1980, in English as well as in French. He is the director of Espace MT / David Lynch Foundation office in Geneva-Carouge.

My Meditation is fabulous, one of – if not the best discovery of my year, I am happy with the results and it seems I am letting go of things of the past. — CERN physicist, Geneva

Training structure

  1. Information and preparation meeting (free, no commitment involved): presentation of the training, its goals, benefits and mechanics of transformation through the TM technique; questions and answers.
  2. Short personal interview (free)
  3. Personal instruction in Transcendental Meditation (individual session, about 75 min.)
  4. Ensuring correct practice for “transcending”: instructions and explanations; verification and validation of the practice (1h30)
  5. Transcendence and stress release: the psychophysiological mechanics of transformation underlying genuine resilience. Understanding effortlessness, accessing inner energy and dissolving toxic stress.  Verification and validation of the practice (1h30)
  6. How happy and aware can we be? The importance of alternance between inner silence and outer activity to stabilize more awareness, inner strength and kindness ; a vision of the goal: higher states of consciousness. Verification and validation of the practice (1h30). Please note: steps 3 to 6 are scheduled over 4 consecutive days
  7. Growing in resilience: checking and deepening after a couple of weeks practice (1h30).

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The personalized follow-up and coaching program then takes over, according to your needs and interests, for best results over time: monthly meetings, group meditation sessions, talks, social moments, and so on. This à la carte program is part of your course; it is included in the training fee.

Trainings take place in a small group for personalized attention. Please book your place as soon as possible.

Private « VIP » courses with a schedule at your convenience or corporate courses are available on request.


Admission conditions

Sincere motivation is a prerequisite. This training is offered in the context of a non-profit association: cost may be adapted to applicants’ situation: students, low income, couples or families. It ranges from CHF 600 for a youth between 10 and 16 years old to CHF 1800 for an adult devoid of financial hardship; it includes drinks and snacks as well as all follow-up necessary for best results over time, in person or on Zoom / Skype. Admission is free for the first meeting; no obligation is involved.

Upcoming courses start Saturdays April 27, May 4 and 25, June 8 at Espace MT / David Lynch Foundation office in Geneva-Carouge. Additional dates are possible.Warm welcome! Take the first step today and contact Leonard Stein. You will receive a prompt answer:

  • Contact Leonard to know more and / or to make an appointment at 079 626 48 43 or


  • Fill the contact form below!